The role of electronic money in money supply - Iraq, a case study


root root


The economic world is facing rapid developments and changes sweeping all countries and in all economic, political, social and other fields, and through these developments electronic money appeared, but this money in its various forms and forms raises many economic issues, especially cash, so the This study is of great importance because the global economy today is shifting from the use of traditional money to the use of electronic money, but this transformation has a number of difficulties, including the possibility of affecting the money supply, and this study seeks to know whether electronic money has a role in the money supply, and is this role positive or negative Therefore, the research stems from the hypothesis that since electronic money is a development of traditional money forms, and since this money is not subject to the same conditions as traditional money, and therefore can affect the money supply, the aim of the research is to identify electronic money and its forms in addition To its characteristics and the risks of using it, and then analyzing its relationship to the money supply, and that the research concluded that there is no essential role for electronic money in the money supply, as the effect of electronic money is partial and relative in the supply and it is in the process of growing because the experience is still in its infancy .


How to Cite
root, root. (2024). The role of electronic money in money supply - Iraq, a case study. Warith Scientific Journal, 6(18), 205-220.