Comparison of two methods for estimating the Parameters of the inverse Weibull distribution with fuzzy interval with practical application


root root


In this research, the parameters of the inverse Weibull  distribution with two parameters, the shape parameter and the measurement parameter, are estimated by the method of the maximum likelihood  and the method of relative maximum likelihood  in the case of real and fuzzy data.  The parameters of the real data were estimated by the two methods, and the length of the period was extracted. It was found that the greatest possibility method for estimating the parameters was better than the other method for the fuzzy data, and then it is applied to the fuzzy data after transforming the real data into fuzzy data using a trigonometric affiliation function at the cutoff factor (  = 0.1)  An applied study was conducted using the two methods using the MATIAB language.                   


How to Cite
root, root. (2024). Comparison of two methods for estimating the Parameters of the inverse Weibull distribution with fuzzy interval with practical application. Warith Scientific Journal, 6(18), 564-583.