Enhanced Green Supply Chain Management Based On Enterprise Resource Planning Systems In Public Shareholding Industrial Companies Survey study of a sample of employees in Jordanian companies
This "study aims to determine the impact of resource planning systems on the enterprise green supply chain management of Jordanian industrial shareholders, while relying on the descriptive analytical method. A questionnaire was prepared and distributed electronically to the sample study, comprising the 241 Directors-General, the two Deputy Director-General, the heads of departments and the internal auditors of Jordan's industrial companies. The study was used for data analysis (statistical description methods, simple, multiple and gradual regression analysis, and pathway analysis to test research hypotheses. The study noted a statistically significant impact of resource planning systems on enterprise green supply chain management. The research recommended motivating Jordanian industrial companies to increase their interest in the practice of enterprise resource planning activities and the application of green supply chain management, and directing people concerned with green supply chain management in Jordanian industrial companies towards adopting a decision support system in improving these processes in relation to the practice of continuous audit activities and processes.