Evaluating The Social And Environmental Performance Of Economic Entity under The Requirements Of Sustainable Development A Practical Study In Vegetable Oil Factories
The economic entity faced many pressures because of the fast changes in the modern business environment than requires these entity the evaluation of its performance is amore comprehensive view where should cover Social Performance And Environmental Performance rather than limiting it to economic Performance despite its importance it is limited to traditional standards and it is not enough to faced changes in the modern business environment , now focus started on entity that importance Social Performance And Environmental Performance economic entity are facing great difficulties related to the limited and measurement of environmental and social costs previously there was not enough interest from economic entity in environmental and social costs as well as the increased interest of investors in obtaining information that covers environmental and social aspects because it affects their future decisions the social and environmental performance has appositive impact on achieving sustainable development especially after sustainable development occupied a large space at the global level the beginning of this century witnessed a significant increase in sustainable projects in third world countries as well as the rest of the world we find that sustainable is a goal that all countries and societies have sought to achieve sustainable where some countries began to reshape their economic system to achieve positive result in terms of sustainable development this is because development is changing the prevailing conditions for the better and sustainable development is the result of continuous improvement Through this paper we will try to shed light on Evaluating The Social And Environmental Performance Of Economic Entity under The Requirements Of Sustainable Development