Financial resource development strategies and bank credit standards for commercial banks


root root


Banks need tight strategies to develop their financial resources by reducing the amount of risk and setting excellent credit strategies and standards, as banks play an important role in the national economy. Because banks carry out the process of attracting savings from individuals, institutions, companies and governments, making them available to those who wish to invest, and finance the economic sectors and activities in which they contribute. Achieving the national product in accordance with the rules and instructions of the Central Bank. This means that the task of banks involves the process of attracting and mobilizing savings from individuals and economic units from the (surplus) units and providing loans to the economic units of individuals, companies and government units that represent the units (deficit). This is one of the most important strategies for developing resources commercial banks.


How to Cite
root, root. (2024). Financial resource development strategies and bank credit standards for commercial banks. Warith Scientific Journal, 6(18), 96-117.