Analysis of the reality of some macroeconomic variables for the Tunisian economy under the Corona pandemic


root root


Analysis of the reality of macroeconomic variables in the Tunisian economy under CO-19 have been studied. Where the epidemic had a negative impact on macroeconomic variables, analysis data has been depended (GDP, revenues, expenditures, budget deficit, imports, exports, trade balance deficit) for the Tunisian economy through (2020-2021) the selected macroeconomic variables were affected during 2020 due to the restrictions imposed to decrease the pandemic, In 2021, the variables of the Tunisian economy were affected less due to coexistence with the pandemic and the easing of the preventive restrictions imposed. The Tunisian economy tried to rise up after the imposed restrictions eased, but these attempts did not give acceptable results due to the deteriorating Tunisian economic reality before the pandemic.


How to Cite
root, root. (2024). Analysis of the reality of some macroeconomic variables for the Tunisian economy under the Corona pandemic. Warith Scientific Journal, 6(18), 190-204.