Analysis of the role of trade policy in the structure of gross domestic product in Malaysia for the period (2000-2021 AD)


root root


Malaysia benefited from the process of wide economic openness to the outside when integrating into the international economies while maintaining the development of its local economy by transforming it from an agricultural country into a country that exports industrial goods with modern technology in various fields and conditions, as Malaysia was able to advance human capital and convert it into Large energies with a competitive advantage directed towards active investments due to their self-reliance, their adoption of a strategy of self-reliance and stimulation of social indicators of human capital by working to improve the standard of living and health of the population, as Malaysia worked with the support of infrastructure and its refusal to reduce its expenditures on projects that are considered one of the basic pillars of the economy In addition to its reliance on available resources on a large and basic basis by providing important capital to finance local investments, in addition to Malaysia dealing with foreign investments in a way that brings great benefits to it by taking advantage of the conditions that it sets and is in the interest of its economy, in addition to the fact that foreign investments have a strong impetus In stimulating its industrial productions and diversifying the industrial structure b A clear form in the various economic activities, which resulted in positive effects in the use of local resources and manpower as well


How to Cite
root, root. (2024). Analysis of the role of trade policy in the structure of gross domestic product in Malaysia for the period (2000-2021 AD). Warith Scientific Journal, 6(18), 221-235.