Evaluation of the feasibility of applying the pivotal strategy of the educational institution and financial and material resources / Comparative study between Karkheh University of Science and Al-Farahidi National University


root root


The evaluation of the possibility of applying the two axes of the strategy of the educational institution and financial and material resources in universities and educational institutions represents one of the most important trends that many modern research seeks to address and measure, and therefore the evaluation of the reality of the application of the two axes enables universities to discover the strengths and weaknesses in their current and future needs, the problem of research was to measure the possibility of applying institutional accreditation standards, and the research aims to identify the reality of a pivotal application (strategy of the educational institution and financial and material resources) among the eight axes  For the Iraqi institutional accreditation standards at Karkheh University of Science and Al-Farahidi National University. The triangular scale was used according to the indicators of the criteria set by specialized committees in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to diagnose and analyze the data obtained from the examination lists, and the research concluded that the application of Karkheh University of Science for the two axes is higher than the percentage of application of Al-Farahidi National University, where the percentage reached the application of the two axes of the strategy of the educational institution and financial and material resources at the Karkheh University of Science respectively (67%, 65%). While the percentage of Al -Farahidi University for the two axes (54%, 58%) The research reached the most important conclusion that there is a gap between the application of the two axes and the actual reality of the two universities researched and there is a lack of interest in the documentation procedures, although the rates of application of Karkheh University for government sciences are higher than the rates of application of Al-Farahidi University, but the two universities did not achieve high results in the application. The most important recommendations are to seek to intensify the efforts of the two universities to implement the two axes and to document the work procedures in order to reach the national institutional accreditation in order to have the opportunity to enter the international rankings similar to the advanced universities.


How to Cite
root, root. (2024). Evaluation of the feasibility of applying the pivotal strategy of the educational institution and financial and material resources / Comparative study between Karkheh University of Science and Al-Farahidi National University. Warith Scientific Journal, 6(18), 345-356. https://doi.org/10.57026/wsj.v6i18.234