Analysis of the Reflection of accounting disclosure on environmental performance on the quality of sustainability reports


root root


This study aims to analyze the implications of accounting disclosure of environmental performance on the quality of sustainability reports based on the principles of (GRI), and this is done by disclosing  environmental indicators, and indicating the extent of commitment of the sample companies.

The search is to be disclosed, as the research problem lies in the extent to which the accounting disclosure of environmental performance can contribute to Improving the quality of sustainability reports, and the research was based on the hypothesis that there is a statistically significant correlation between Accounting disclosure of environmental performance and the quality of the sustainability report. Where (13) companies listed in the Iraqi market were selected.

During the period (2018-2020), the data was analyzed according to the correlation coefficient (Correlation) to determine the form of the relationship, linear or It is non-linear and is denoted by the symbol (R), where the Siberman correlation coefficient was used in this research due to its suitability to the nature of the data and its availability.

The research indicated that there is a statistically significant correlation between the accounting disclosure of environmental performance and the quality of the report sustainability.

Where the assumption  was accepted, and the research reached a number of recommendations, the most important of which is:

Developing the accounting disclosure of environmental performance within the sustainability reports in a way that makes it reflect the real profit in all Transparency through the inclusion of new indicators in a way that contributes to meeting the needs of stakeholders as an innovative step to develop Sustainability report.

There are also indications that the commitment to sustainability remains strong, which requires that companies continue to understand and appreciate that Sustainability was and still is an essential part of flexible business strategies before and after the issuance of the principles of the global initiative, namely An essential source of strategic competitive advantage, and plays a major role in rebuilding the global economy.


How to Cite
root, root. (2024). Analysis of the Reflection of accounting disclosure on environmental performance on the quality of sustainability reports. Warith Scientific Journal, 6(18), 445-460.