Using strategic maps to promote organizational values: An analytical study in the Muthanna Education Directorate.


root root


   The researcher used strategic maps as a means of arranging organizational values and finding out which one has the greatest impact on the organization, as the research problem lies in determining which values are the most important in the work of the organization in order to give it greater attention when formulating the strategy, so the research aims to balance these values and try to create a homogeneous strategic direction. As the main hypothesis of the research was (that the strategic maps are associated with a significant link with organizational values and affect them and can determine their priorities), so the (144) questionnaire was used, distributed to the workers in the Directorate of Education and accepting the main hypothesis and other sub-hypotheses represented by the influence of maps The strategy is based on organizational values dimensions (masculinity-femininity, individual-collective dimension, distance strength dimension, orientation dimension, and uncertainty avoidance dimension), but the first sub-hypothesis (that strategic maps affect the masculinity-femininity dimension) was rejected. Results: It is possible to promote values and prioritize them using strategic maps as a means for this purpose. In light of this, it was recommended to activate the role of strategic maps to create a balance between the values of the organization.


How to Cite
root, root. (2024). Using strategic maps to promote organizational values: An analytical study in the Muthanna Education Directorate. Warith Scientific Journal, 6(18), 529-546.