The role of cloud accounting in reducing financial corruption practices


root root


The phenomenon of financial corruption is considered one of the dangerous phenomena of our time that causes negative consequences at the social and economic level, similar to economic crimes such as bribery, money laundering and extortion. Therefore, modern techniques and methods are necessary and techniques that contribute to reducing financial corruption, which state institutions must adopt to reduce One of the financial crimes in economic units, and one of these techniques is cloud accounting, so this research came to clarify the impact of cloud accounting in reducing and eliminating financial corruption practices that occur in economic units, as this research included the research methodology, the theoretical framework of the research variables, in addition to the applied aspect. For research and the most important conclusions and recommendations that the research reached, the research reached several conclusions, the most important of which is that the use of cloud accounting contributes to reducing or preventing errors that occur in accounting records. It also recommended the necessity of financial regulatory authorities and audit offices relying on auditing processes compatible with cloud accounting to discover errors that It may occur and be prevented.


How to Cite
root, root. (2024). The role of cloud accounting in reducing financial corruption practices. Warith Scientific Journal, 6(18), 584-595.